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Health Workforce Data In Canada: How to Optimize its Use within Research

A stylized globe with a blue network overtop. Text reads: CIHR Webinar. Health workforce data in Canada. How to optimize its use within research. Logo for Canadian Institutes of Health Research is at bottom.


HDRN Canada Scientific Director Dr. Kim McGrail will speak at this webinar, hosted by CIHR, which brings together health workforce researchers with key pan-Canadian data stewards and Health Workforce Canada to discuss what health workforce data are available to Canadian researchers, how to access and use the data, and associated data privacy issues to bridge the gap between data availability and research needs.

Upcoming Events

BIG IDEAs about Health Data Speaker Series logo at the top left. Two smiling people Lucie Richard and Diana Ridgeway. Text reads: Thursday, March 27. 10:00 am PT to 11:00 am PT. Health Data Research Network Canada logo at bottom left.

No significant visuals. Text reads: Health Data for All of Us. April 29. Ottawa and Online. Health Data Research Network logo is at bottom.