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Health Workforce Data In Canada: How to Optimize its Use within Research

A stylized globe with a blue network overtop. Text reads: CIHR Webinar. Health workforce data in Canada. How to optimize its use within research. Logo for Canadian Institutes of Health Research is at bottom.


HDRN Canada Scientific Director Dr. Kim McGrail will speak at this webinar, hosted by CIHR, which brings together health workforce researchers with key pan-Canadian data stewards and Health Workforce Canada to discuss what health workforce data are available to Canadian researchers, how to access and use the data, and associated data privacy issues to bridge the gap between data availability and research needs.

Upcoming Events

Dr. Rui Duan, an asian woman with short hair. Dr. Aline Talhouk, a white woman with long, brown hair. Dr. John Langford, a white man with short brown hair. Text reads: Federated analysis. State of the Science collective learning series. Artificial Intelligence in a Federated Landscape. Logo for HDRN Canada in white on a dark blue background is at top left.

Images of Aline Talhouk, Carrie-Anne Whyte, Jennifer Brooks and Jodi Gatley. Text reads: Accessing Data through DASH: CanPath & HDRN Canada Partnership. HDRN Canada logo at bottom.

No significant visuals. Text reads: Federated analysis. State of the Science collective learning series. Trusted/Secure Environments and Their Role in Supporting Federated Analysis. Logo for HDRN Canada in white on a dark blue background is at top left.

Dr. Annette Braunack-Mayer, a white woman with short white hair. Julia Burt, and white woman with long blond hair. Text reads: Community Attitudes on Using Health Data in Research in Canada & Australia. Tuesday June 18. HDRN Canada logo at top.