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Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, DASH supports public sector researchers. However, some of the data centres associated with DASH can support private sector requests outside of the DASH network. If you are interested in private sector research, please contact dash@hdrn.ca. DASH can provide a list of contacts at individual HDRN Canada Member Organizations that may be positioned to work with the private sector.

Browse our Data Assets Inventory for the list of data assets held by HDRN Canada Member Organizations. These can be requested through DASH by completing an intake form.

Please visit How DASH Works to learn how to submit a data request.

Multi-regional data from pan-Canadian data holdings hosted at the Canadian Institute for Health Information and Statistics Canada can be accessed “in one place” through these two organizations. Regional data can be accessed via DASH according to HDRN Canada Member Organization policies and procedures for distributed data analyses.

DASH does not charge a fee to submit data requests through the DASH portal. However, fees will be charged by HDRN Canada Member Organizations according to their individual cost recovery processes. For more information, visit Costs for Data-Related Services.

Disclosure of personal health information (PHI) and de-identified data are subject to specific provincial or territorial legislation and requirements. In many Canadian regions, there may be legislative or policy limitations to the disclosure of patient-level data, and to the transfer and/or sharing of data across regional boundaries for research use. As these requirements are set out in HDRN Canada Member Organization’s agreements, DASH can support researchers in navigating these challenges and identifying potential options early in the research design process. DASH can also provide feedback as data sharing and/or access agreements are being drafted.

HDRN Canada and DASH can support research funding proposals by providing a general letter of support from HDRN Canada where there is alignment between the proposed research project and HDRN Canada’s objectives, and providing cost and feasibility estimates for accessing data through DASH. Both options require researchers to create a DASH account and submit an intake form. The intake form collects the information required for DASH to assess the request and advise on next steps. TIP: A minimum of 2-4 weeks in advance of the requested due date is required.

DASH provides coordinated support and guidance throughout the data access request process. For training, education or support in using the data, please contact your local data centre to find out what resources are available.

The data are stored, processed and administered by HDRN Canada Member Organizations, which include data centres across Canada. DASH acts as a facilitator that centralizes and receives data requests and coordinates support and processing of the requests. Data are never sold, exchanged, transferred or otherwise shared with DASH. DASH never has access to the data. DASH does not have its own data centre or its own data holdings.

DASH supports and respects OCAP® (Ownership, Control, Access and Possession) Principles when requesting, accessing and using First Nations data, as set out by the First Nations Information Governance Centre.

Disclosure of personal health information or de-identified data outside of Canada is prohibited in many Canadian jurisdictions. DASH can identify these challenges early in the research design process.